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Do You Feel Relaxed After A Family Holiday With Young Children? d&i strategies self care work life harmony working parents Sep 03, 2019

There’s a good reason you often hear people say they need a holiday to recover from their family holiday with young children. It’s meant as a joke, but it’s sometimes true…

As we return to work after the summer we tend to feel a range of things - relief mixed with sadness...

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How can you make employees feel safe to speak up? communication at work confidence building d&i strategies inclusive leadership Aug 05, 2019

Do your employees feel safe to speak up, even when what they have to say goes against the grain? 

Encouraging your employees to make themselves heard and speak up is one thing. But are they saying what they think you want to hear? Making individuals feel secure enough to voice their true...

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How Can Sophrology Help Working Fathers? d&i strategies fatherhood managing working parents self care work life harmony working parents Jul 10, 2019

During Men's Health Week (10 – 16 June in the UK), we read many of the excellent articles and personal stories shared by men. In our work at Thriving Talent, we hear daily how stress manifests itself when working fathers are trying to juggle personal and professional lives.

Working fathers...

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Return To Work: Finding Flexibility As An Emergency Nurse d&i strategies managing working parents return to work smart and flexible working work life harmony working parents Jun 24, 2019

This return to work case study is a great example of how crucial flexibility is for retaining new mothers in the workplace. Here we share the story of Louise, an advanced nurse practitioner in a hospital emergency department and mother to a baby boy.

When Louise became pregnant she knew that...

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Case Study: Lawyer Headhunted On Maternity Leave career development d&i strategies managing working parents maternity leave pregnancy return to work smart and flexible working May 28, 2019

When a driven, ambitious lawyer announces that she is having a baby, her employer has some key decisions to make to ensure a smooth departure and return. In this case, one employer’s loss was another’s gain…  

Although happy to share her story, this lawyer wanted to remain...

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Part Time Employees Rising: The Role Of The Line Manager career development d&i strategies managing working parents Apr 29, 2019

Employees who work part time hours are still facing many barriers to advance their career. Researchers demonstrate that a very low proportion of leadership roles are performed at less than 100%.

An organisation not only needs to look internally at its culture, processes and...

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First Month Back Disaster: Returning From Maternity Leave d&i strategies managing working parents maternity leave return to work work life harmony working parents Mar 25, 2019

What happens when new mothers are not supported fully  upon returning from maternity leave?

It’s not just the mother who suffers - the business squashes the career ambitions of a dedicated employee within the company and risks losing a skilled worker. This case study demonstrates a...

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Inclusion as the lever for Balance for Better: International Womenā€™s Day d&i strategies Mar 18, 2019

This March, I have been actively participating in events to mark International Women’s Day/Week/Month and honour the theme of Balance for Better, by speaking, running Work Life Integration workshops or actively participating in some of the many great events held here in Switzerland.


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How To Advance Your Career Whilst Working Part Time (Part Two) career development d&i strategies motherhood smart and flexible working working parents Mar 08, 2019

How can you achieve your career goals and ambitions, whilst working reduced hours? This question is not only relevant to working parents but to anyone who wishes to pursue their professional aspirations and personal goals.

In part one of this three part series, we touched upon some of the things...

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Flexible Working In Switzerland: Where Are We Now? d&i strategies smart and flexible working Feb 27, 2019

What is the current state of flexible working in Switzerland and what best practices are proven to be effective? In an effort to answer that question, we have partnered with Advance to launch a new research project on Flexible and Smart Working.

There is growing pressure for businesses to...

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