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Don't leave us! How to engage and retain working parents - LinkedIn Live replay caring and career managing working parents parental leave working parents Jul 28, 2023

At Thriving Talent, we understand that juggling a career and caregiving responsibilities can be challenging. Despite progress in parental leave policies, many organizations still grapple with retaining and developing their talented pool of parents. The "caring and career crash" phenomenon...

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How employers can easily foster a culture of caring & career advancing women caring and career fatherhood managing working parents maternity leave parental leave return to work working parents Jul 01, 2022

Organisations who demonstrate that they value caring are a magnet for attracting and retaining talent.

Yet, what does “caring” mean?

Historically, caring has often been a role associated largely with women and is often reinforced with gender stereotypes reinforced in society, culture...

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Are you meeting your employees' expectations? caring and career fatherhood managing working parents maternity leave parental leave return to work working parents Jul 01, 2022

There is no denying that the impact of COVD-19 brought many challenges to both individuals and businesses, large and small. However, it has also driven new working practices and mindsets that offer an incredible opportunity for organisations to foster inclusive cultures and equality at...

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