We help you to cultivate an inclusive culture that leverages diversity for sustained business growth


How we help you create a diverse and inclusive workplace

Whether you are just beginning to implement a diversity and inclusion program at your organisation or if you are looking to improve on existing processes and programmes, we can help. 

Every organisation has its unique aspirations and challenges, so we have created a variety of programmes and solutions to help you at each stage of your cultural transformation. We can advise businesses on strategy development, facilitate diversity and inclusion discussions, develop and review policies, and build internal HR and line manager capabilities.

We offer DEI consulting in English, French and German. Training and coaching solutions are available in additional languages (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese).

Our consulting solutions

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"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation regarding the great workshop you conducted at Tamedia regarding the topic Diversity & Inclusion! It increased again our team engagement, commitment and our motivation to continue the journey to make Tamedia a more diverse & inclusive place to work. Head of HR shared very positive feedback regarding our outcomes, ideas for initiatives and targets, and especially on your style of communication and your experience and expertise."

Human Resource


"We wanted to say a big thank you for the great and smooth collaboration, patience, support, positive spirit and professionalism. We are very happy with your work and it has been highly appreciated."

PMI Operations

Inclusive Culture Assessment