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Inclusion as the lever for Balance for Better: International Women’s Day d&i strategies Mar 18, 2019

This March, I have been actively participating in events to mark International Women’s Day/Week/Month and honour the theme of Balance for Better, by speaking, running Work Life Integration workshops or actively participating in some of the many great events held here in Switzerland.


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How To Advance Your Career Whilst Working Part Time (Part Two) career development d&i strategies motherhood smart and flexible working working parents Mar 08, 2019

How can you achieve your career goals and ambitions, whilst working reduced hours? This question is not only relevant to working parents but to anyone who wishes to pursue their professional aspirations and personal goals.

In part one of this three part series, we touched upon some of the things...

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Flexible Working In Switzerland: Where Are We Now? d&i strategies smart and flexible working Feb 27, 2019

What is the current state of flexible working in Switzerland and what best practices are proven to be effective? In an effort to answer that question, we have partnered with Advance to launch a new research project on Flexible and Smart Working.

There is growing pressure for businesses to...

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Looking Back To Look Forward in 2019 d&i strategies self care smart and flexible working Dec 20, 2018

As the festive season is soon upon us, I am “walking the talk”. How, you may ask? Well, I am doing what we encourage others to do all the time - I am taking a moment to press “pause”.

When I think about the conversations over this festive, sociable period, family, friends...

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The Secret Weapon To Boost Your Diversity And Inclusion Efforts d&i strategies employee resource groups gender diversity inclusive leadership Oct 30, 2018

Did you know that there is a secret weapon that helps to foster respect and promote inclusion within the workplace?


Enter the ERG


ERG - it sounded like an advanced Ai software secret weapon to that only folks in D&I knew about. That’s exactly what I thought this was...

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Dads Don’t Babysit: A Challenge To Fathers d&i strategies fatherhood Oct 11, 2018

Parents around the world want to give their children a better life. David Freed and James Millar want their children to grow up in a more equal world, and they’ve written a book calling on fathers, mothers, employers and policymakers to join the cause.

Their new book “Dads Don’t...

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It’s A No Brainer: The Power Of Flexible Parental Leave d&i strategies fatherhood managing working parents motherhood return to work smart and flexible working work life harmony working parents Sep 20, 2018

Paid parental leave is essential for children, important for families, and good for business. Parental support from the organisations they work for is something that prospective parents want, because they know intuitively that spending more time with each other and with their newborn is going to...

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How Your Competitors are Measuring the ROI of Flexible Working (and so should you) communication at work d&i strategies managing working parents return to work smart and flexible working Sep 04, 2018

“It seems that one day soon, flexible working could simply be known as ‘working’. We are reaching the tipping point.” - Mark Dixon, CEO and Founder, IWG

Flexible workers have been fighting an unfair public relations battle over the misconception that they are less...

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Achieving A Culture Of Wellbeing In A Diverse And Inclusive Workplace d&i strategies inclusive leadership work life harmony Jul 31, 2018

I know what you’re thinking. A culture of wellbeing in a diverse and inclusive workplace is surely no more than a dream! Well, it’s not easy to achieve, we will say that. But it’s entirely possible.

Imagine if every person, regardless of their disability, race, ethnicity,...

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What Do Professional Fathers Need? d&i strategies fatherhood smart and flexible working work life harmony working parents Jun 15, 2018

June is a month which holds much focus for fathers. Several countries celebrate Father’s Day and it is also the month for International Men’s Health Week (June 11-17), celebrated annually to promote and honour the importance of the health and wellness of boys and men.

It seems an...

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