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How Employers Are Killing Opportunities for Working Mothers to Advance (and what you can do about it) career development d&i strategies inclusive leadership managing working parents motherhood smart and flexible working May 23, 2018

We recently celebrated Mother’s Day here in Geneva, Switzerland. Grateful children and dads took mums out to lunch, bought them flowers, ran them baths, and made them cards to show her how special she is to them and what a great job she does in the home.

But what about the job she does at...

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How to Improve Switzerland’s Ranking in Best Environment for Working Women career development d&i strategies gender diversity motherhood Mar 06, 2018

I may be competitive but 26th place for the best environment for working women is not an acceptable statistic for Switzerland. How can a country whose public system and quality of life outstrips so many other countries, be so poor at providing an environment where women can thrive professionally?...

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How to Advance Your Career Whilst Working Part Time career development d&i strategies managing working parents return to work smart and flexible working working parents Jan 26, 2018

Last year, I was delivering one of our most popular workshops for one of our Swiss corporate clients, and I took the time to review the workshop evaluation feedback on my train journey home.  One attendee shared that she would have liked to have spent time looking at: How to advance...

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Building your confidence post a Parental Break career development confidence building d&i strategies return to work working parents Jul 04, 2017

In our work at Thrive, we see how common it is for a parent to lose some of their confidence post a parental leave, so first thing to know is that if you feel like you have lost some of that confidence and assurance, it is normal!

The dictionary defines self-confidence as “a feeling of...

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Navigating Career and Family - Can You Have It All? career development confidence building d&i strategies self care work life harmony working parents Apr 26, 2016

Is this known as “having it all”? Can you even have a career and family without the burden of guilt, overwhelm and fatigue? There isn’t a text book standard response to this. Why? Because everyone’s definition of “having it all” is unique and it’s based...

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What to pay attention to when you return to work after your maternity break career development d&i strategies motherhood return to work self care working parents Feb 12, 2016

This is such a personal journey that there is no script to follow. There is no right or wrong way of balancing parenthood and professional life. Each person has their unique way of balancing the two, based on their own value system, needs, motivations and aspirations. The only criteria here is...

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