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What makes a leadership programme transformational, rather than a “one hit wonder”?

Feb 21, 2024

Too often, leadership programmes are 'one-hit' wonders - lots of passion, energy, time and finances invested … then what? During our second LinkedIn Live this year, we delved into the key ingredients that elevate leadership programmes from mere initiatives to transformative experiences. 

Deborah Croft and Catherine Hickel explored key ingredients for success, from tailoring learning experiences to measuring long-term impact and maintaining momentum beyond the programme. If you're looking to move the needle on your female leadership pipeline this 30-minute session replay will give you practical ideas and clarity on how to run a programme that has a measurable impact.

Here are the key takeaways:

1. Setting the foundation for success

Before diving into the design of a leadership programme, it's crucial to define the long-term impact you want it to have. The success of the programme is not just measured by its content but also by the opportunities it creates for participants beyond the programme. Establishing a supportive environment that fosters growth and advancement is essential from the outset.

2. Introspection and self-reflection

A pivotal aspect of any transformative leadership programme is making time for introspection. By encouraging participants to engage in self-reflection, the organisation has a real opportunity to empower individuals to drive personal growth, self-awareness, and skill development. Addressing limiting beliefs and sabotaging mechanisms is key to unlocking potential and fostering resilience.

3. Building essential skills

While self-reflection lays the groundwork, skill-building modules are essential for practical application. Programmes should focus on developing skills such as networking, influence, and visibility. Participants are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, embrace boldness, and strategically navigate their career paths.

4. Accountability in action

True transformation occurs when participants take ownership of their development journey. Accountability mechanisms, including individual coaching, peer support pods, and manager-participant discussions, play a vital role in fostering progress. Managers also play a crucial role in championing and supporting their team members' growth.

5. Measuring success

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as benchmarks for measuring the success of leadership programmes. These include retention rates, career progression, community engagement, and awareness of organisational obstacles. Ongoing data collection and analysis provide valuable insights into programme effectiveness and organisational trends.

Crafting a transformational leadership programme requires careful planning, strategic implementation, and continuous evaluation. By prioritising introspection, skill-building, and accountability, organisations can empower participants to drive their own career growth and contribute to a more inclusive workplace culture.

As we continue to refine our approach and measure our impact, we invite organisations to join us on this journey of transformation and empowerment. If you would like to discuss how we can support you in this, we invite you to schedule a 30-minute discovery meeting here >


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