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A Year of Inclusion

diversity and inclusion Dec 22, 2021

Thriving Talent Diversity & Inclusion Experts share their insights about 2021…

It’s been another year of epic highs and chasmic lows as the effects of the Pandemic continue to ripple through all aspects of our lives. 

At Thriving Talent, it has been a year of inclusion. A year of striving for and teaching inclusion in a contextual environment where people from all backgrounds have been struggling post-Pandemic. 

A broken world only calls for more equity. 

Diversity and inclusion is at the core of our work and what we aim to achieve for the organisations we support. 

For this article, we asked our experts to share their insights on this year and make predictions about the future. 

One thing they all agree on is that Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is more important than ever in a world that’s increasingly reliant on automation and technology where hybrid working is the new normal. 

What is one positive trend you have observed in our area of work this year?

“Engaging men in the conversations around the gender diversity has become more common and long may it continue.”

“The number of people interested in talking to us shows an increased interest in and awareness of Inclusion & Diversity. Developments over the last two years, especially but not only the Pandemic, have accelerated this interest and awareness and it seems like there is a willingness to invest and commit and not only to talk about it.”

“More focus is put on the mental health and well-being of employees.”

“An increase of individuals and companies seeking professional support.”

“More businesses are starting their inclusion and diversity journeys and starting to realise that this can be a game-changer for their business.”

What is one thing you've observed people and/or companies struggling with?

“It has been very noticeable that a lot of companies, right across sectors, need help with pulling their D&I strategies together and operationalising them.”

“Especially in Switzerland, companies struggle because of comparing themselves to companies abroad who function in countries with completely different political frameworks that pave the way for inclusion and equity. However, even if the situation in Switzerland is made more challenging by the school and tax systems, to name two things, this does not mean there isn't room for improvement within those constraints.”

“Adapting their businesses and operating models to external conditions.”

“Parents juggling work and family life, with feelings of overwhelm commonplace.”

“High levels of stress with a lack of work-life boundaries or self-compassion. For D&I leaders, it's a continuous struggle to find ways to engage HR colleagues and leaders to see their role in D&I, especially when the company is at the start of its journey. They also don't feel psychologically safe to lead the change, take risks and make mistakes. There seems to be a pattern of perfectionism in many companies, which is probably part of the problem connected to wellbeing.”

What are you excited about for the future in D&I?

“One of the positives of the impacts of this awful pandemic has been that it has forced historically reluctant organisations to consider their D&I strategies, policies and culture. I hope that spikes in awareness aren’t only linked to this and I’m excited to see more companies really putting D&I at the top of the priority list.”

“I'm excited for Switzerland that companies here are pushing this topic forward and hope that this one day also has a political impact and breaks down barriers not only on individual and organisational but also on national levels.”

“More and more companies are adopting D&I best practices and putting people first.”

“That focus on D&I will become a priority in companies and Thriving Talent will become even more known and respected, influencing more people and organisations in the D&I space.”

“The way this can so easily positively impact the different value chains in business beyond the people topic (employees) - from consumer marketing, product design, R&D and customer experience. It also encourages companies to be whole person-oriented - it compliments sustainability efforts hugely.”

In one word or phrase, what do you think 2022 will bring?

“A more tolerable world.”



“More acceptance of 'different' ways of working.”

“More focus on wellbeing and work-related stress, improving the hybrid working model and supporting people to make this work for all (equity), as well as a focus on equity in D&I strategies and actions.”

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